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Magnesium Phosphoricum Pentarkan Ptk 60

Magnesium Phosphoricum Pentarkan Ptk 60

Regular price Rs.620.00 PKR
Regular price Sale price Rs.620.00 PKR
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  • Has an astringent, haemostatic and antispasmodic action
  • Relieves abdominal cramps, colic related to menstrual pain and ovarian neuralgia, with inward shooting pains
  • Controls profuse clotted discharge of dark blood
  • Relieves backache by removing venous congestion.

Product Description

Schwabe Magnesium Phosphoricum Pentarkan Ptk 60 tablets are proven to treat various reasons for irregular periods. Dysmenorrhoea is one among the foremost common reasons for irregular periods and refers to the painful menstrual bleeding that commences premenstrual.

Magnesium Phosphoricum Pentarkan Ptk 60

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Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician take 1 to 2 tablets of Magnesium Phosphoricum Pentarkan at hourly intervals for 1 to 2 days. for ladies with acute problems should take 1 to 2 tablets of Ptk 60 3 times daily because the improvement takes place. Let your homoeopath advise you on the proper dose for you. Further information are often found on the instruction leaflet.


1 Ptk 60 tablet contains: Magnesium phosphoricum 2X 25 mg; Chamomilla 2X 25 mg; Colocynthis 3X 25 mg; silverweed Ø 100 mg; Aesculus 1X 25 mg; Excipients Q.S. to 250 mg.



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